Full Stack Applications

MERN Stack Development
Die Gesundmacher


Remote Development Studio
Project Description:

Nakazoomi Dev is a location-independent studio for UX/UI Design and Frontend Development. The idea is to build an online platform to connect talented professionals from all over the world to work together. While the project is still in the development phase, the website will be available soon.

Project Information:
Technology:React.js / Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB
Libraries:react, react-dom, react-icons, react-scroll, sass, three, react-three/drei, react-three/fiber
Company:nkzmi Dev

Minimax Learning Platform

Learning Management System with Next.js, Node.js and MongoDB
Project Description:


Project Information:
Project:Minimax Learning Management System
Technology:React.js / Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB

Online Shop

Fast, flexible and highly customizable
Project Description:


Project Information:
Project:Superjay Online Shop
Technology:React.js / Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB

Track Attack!

Automated Trading System
Project Screenshots:

The application is built with express and Node.js and it is using the CCXT library to be able to connect to multiple exchanges. We can connect to all of the major crypto currency exchanges, by only changing a few lines of code.

Trading signals will be send to a webhook URL. As soon as the trading signal is received in form of a JSON, the application will check if the signal is valid and then calculate the specific amount to open an order at the exchange.

The application is built using JavaScript and relies on the WebSocket API to facilitate communication with the exchange. It is also possible to access the frontend of the application, which provides real-time updates on executed trades and a dashboard displaying valuable information.

Project Information:
Project:Track Attack
Technology:React.js / Next.js, Node.js, MongoDB, Nextra
Link: Not publicly available
Current version: 1.1.2