Three JS - 3D Graphics inside the browser

Visual FX and Information Graphics
Threejs Intro Image
Project Description:

Three.js is a JavaScript library used to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in a web browser using WebGL. It is a powerful tool to create visual effects and information graphic. It is a free and open source library. There are additional libraries to use Three.js with frameworks like React.js, these libraries are React Three Fibre and React Three Drei. The additional libraries will simplify the use of Three.js and add additional functionality.

We can integrate any .obj and .gltf file to render in the browser, so all 3D graphics from Software like Cinema 4D and Maya, Blender etc. can also be used on a website to create a 3D effect, to make information more understandable or to simply show a product in a 3D format.

Project Information:
Name:Three JS Examples
Technology:Vanilla JS, React JS, Next.js
Library:Three JS, React Three Fibre, React Three Drei
Company:Own project
Interactive 3D Models: